This “compelling” series (Fiona Rintoul) is set in an East Germany that didn’t end in 1990. Participatory democracy, citizen’s movements and de-centralization are part of a new political landscape.
The East Berlin Series of crime and spy novels are set in a counterfactual GDR; they’re part of a thought experiment: how could the East Germany of 1989 go from communist dictatorship to the equitable, fair and just society that many East Germans at the time dreamed of?
Most utopian novels are set in a new environment: perhaps a new planet¹, an ‘uninhabited’ or isolated island², or some future or parallel place³. But in the East Berlin Series we follow the progress of a society that is much like ours to one with more utopian properties. The series maps the changes, the successes and failures of a society navigating by the light of utopian ideals.
The GDR is changing fast, transforming itself from a Marxist-Leninist planned society into something equitable and fair – a Grassroots Democratic Republic.
But the pace of change shouldn’t be overestimated, there’s a limit to how much can be achieved in just a few short years, and opponents to the project can be found on both sides of the Berlin Wall.
Stealing The Future
#GDR #Revolution #Utopia #Hopepunk
What if the Berlin Wall never fell …
The first book in the East Berlin Series.
ISBN ebook : 9780993324710
Behind the Berlin Wall a dissident is on the trail of a killer
1993. After forty years of communist rule it’s time for change in the GDR.
Direct democracy, citizen’s movements and de-centralization are part of the new political landscape.
But when a politician’s crushed body is found a constitutional crisis erupts.
Former dissident, Martin Grobe, is caught up in an investigation that points towards the KGB, the Stasi and the West Germans—but is it really the start of a putsch against the new GDR, or just a murder?
‘An honest portrayal of a young country and the struggle to keep alive the dream of freedom, justice and equality.’ – New Internationalist
Book 1 of the East Berlin Series
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Ask for Stealing The Future by Max Hertzberg, ISBN paperback: 9780993324703
Thoughts Are Free
#GDR #Revolution #Utopia #Hopepunk
The second book in the East Berlin Series.
ISBN ebook : 9780993324734
1994: Life isn’t easy in the GDR
Fascist skinheads roam the streets of East Berlin, the country is divided by a referendum.
With the start of the East German revolution in 1989 Martin Grobe switched from opposing the state to working for the state.
Four years later, the GDR is in turmoil: in a city ravaged by politics and economic meltdown it’s up to Martin to make the dreamers of 1989 face up to hard reality.
But when an ex-Stasi agent goes undercover on a mission against the fascists, events begin to spiral out of Martin’s control.
Book 2 of the East Berlin Series
- Independent bookshops in the UK and Ireland
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Ask for Thoughts Are Free by Max Hertzberg ISBN paperback: 9780993324727
Spectre At The Feast
#GDR #Revolution #Utopia #Hopepunk
The third book in the East Berlin Series.
ISBN ebook : 9780993324758
East Berlin, Summer 1994
In the wake of a divisive referendum, the people of the GDR are struggling to find common ground.
Concerned that populist leader, Klaus Kaminsky, is poised to take power in East Germany, Karo and Martin come together again to defend the grassroots democracy they are helping to build.
But as Kaminsky holds rallies across the country, the mood of the people of the GDR begins to change. Can the delicate balance of round tables and workers’ councils survive, or will the country be dragged back into the authoritarian rule of the past?
“The Soldiers’ Council of the Border Regiment 33 had a
meeting this morning. We’re on strike.”
“You call this being on strike?”
“Yeah, fun isn’t it?”
Book 3 of the East Berlin Series
- Independent bookshops in the UK and Ireland
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Ask for Spectre At The Feast by Max Hertzberg, ISBN paperback: 9780993324741
East Berlin Series – all the books in an omnibus edition
ISBN ebook : 9781913125073
The Omnibus edition includes:
- Stealing The Future
- Thoughts Are Free
- Spectre At The Feast
Available as ebook and paperback
- Independent bookshops in the UK and Ireland
- and another list of bookshops in the UK
- Local bookshops in the US
Ask for East Berlin Series, omnibus edition by Max Hertzberg, ISBN paperback: 9781913125141
↑¹ H.G. Well’s Modern Utopia, Ursula Le Guin’s Anarres, Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars
↑² Thomas More’s Utopia, Aldous Huxley’s Island
↑³ William Morris’ News from Nowhere, Marge Piercy’s Woman on the Edge of Time along with many of Kim Stanley Robinson’s works.